Thursday, April 30, 2009

Purple Iris

There comes a point in your life when you realize:
Who matters,
Who never did,
Who won't anymore...
And who always will..
So, don't worry about people from your past, there's a reason why they didn't make it to your future.
Enjoy life -- each and every day!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Sweep sweep sweep!!!

The Red Sox played three games against the NY Yankees this past weekend -- one of the oldest and fiercest rivalries in the league.

Friday's game was won by Boston, in 11 innings. Jason Bay had a 2 run homer in the bottom of the 9th and Kevin Youkilis had a single homer in the 11th to win the game -- 5-4.
Saturday's game was won by Boston, in 9 innings. At one point, Boston was down 6-0; but it's not over until it's over. The boys came back to win the game 16-11!!
Sunday's game was won by Boston, in 9 innings. Both teams battled each other well -- but Boston pulled ahead in the 5th. They kept their lead and won the game 4-1.

Welcome to Boston - sweep country!!

Visting the Basin

The Basin -- Franconia Notch Parkway

Wil, Scott, Jeff and I visited the Basin on Sunday -- it was overcast and a little chilly. But we had a great time wandering around and watching the water rush by us.

Beautiful water pools -- very loud!!

Wil and I enjoying the scenery

Swirling pools of water...

Water rushing over the rocks

Wil at the Basin

Wil and Scottie -- there isn't really THAT much of a height difference between them. Just uneven ground.

Jeff and Scott

Quilting day

NH Eastern Star has been creating quilts all year. Upon completion, they are being donated to around NH for families and children in need. Yesterday, Wil and I dropped by Bristol to help out the quilters for a bit. Most of the quilts are complete; they needed to have sleeves basted on the back (so they can be hung & displayed at Grand Chapter) and labels sewn on.

One of the many beautiful quilts that were made.

Our small group -- hard at work.

Threading needles -- the bain of our existance all afternoon...

Wil, Cindy & Gloria.

Mom always said she couldn't sew....
And yet here she is!!

Mom making sure she's doing it right.

Even Kenny pitched in!

Gretta & Wil

Friday, April 17, 2009


I was headed home today after my manicure -- 93 South in Concord. Traffic was busy, but we were moving. I slowed down near the on ramp of exit 13 to let traffic in (plus my exit is only a half mile away). Some jack-off with Rhode Island plates was going slow....I was giving him the room to merge into traffic, instead of just passing him and leaving his turtle butt in the dust. So I'm being semi-patient and waving my hand as if to say "Ok, c'mon, you can do it - merge!"
The jack-off keeps hedging his way in and finally decides to merge, but not before he decides to flip me off. WHAT IN THE.... ?! I wasn't being rude -- in fact, I thought I was being nice! So I returned the favor. Jack-off rolls down his window to flip me off again before picking up his phone and speeding off down 93 South.

Thank you Mr Jack-Off. I appreciate your enjoyment of my courtesy.


Thursday, April 16, 2009

Blog Move

I've moved my blog! This format promises to be easier to read, write, edit, share and comment on. (Never saw comments on the old format....) I was never sure if people were reading my blog -- so it was time for something new!

The posts from 2009 were copied over to this new format. All previous posts are still available on my website.

Enjoy the new format -- come back often and comment all you like! :^)


15 April, 2009

Baseball season started last week with a bang. I was all geared up and ready to rock on Monday -- watching my boys play the home opener against the 2007 ALCS Champions, Tampa Bay Rays, but mother nature had her way and the game was postponed a day. Tuesday afternoon, Wil and I camped out on the couch to watch the Sox beat the Rays 5-3. Yeah buddy!!

It was a victory -- but it didn't last long. We're currently at 3-6 -- not a great start to the season, but it's April and anything can happen. Hell, this is Red Sox Nation!! It ain't over until the fat lady sings!!

My favorite player is Kevin Youkilis --

Kevin joined the Sox in May 2004, starting at third base. It wasn't until 2006 that Kevin moved to first base, where he currently plays as a fabulous defense. He has also played second base and left field. On June 25, 2007, Youkilis played in his 120th consecutive game at first base without an error, breaking the prior Red Sox record set in 1921 by Stuffy McInnis. His batting average started at .260 in 2004 and in 2008 was .312 -- he hit 29 homeruns and 115 RBIs in 2008.


2 April, 2009

Surfing the web over the last few weeks I happened upon a website -- Lolcats n Funny Pictures of Cats I've flipped through over 400 pages of pictures and laughed my butt off at some of the pictures. Sometimes I wish my job was an animal photographer....lots of patience for that one -- wait for the perfect pose or moment.

Here are a few of my favorites....


27 March, 2009

Welcome spring!!

These pretty purple flowers show up in my front yard when spring has arrived.... They showed up earlier this week, just
hadn't gotten a chance to snap a good picture of them. They're a beautiful color and start to appear mid-March. At some point,
there must have been some gorgeous flower beds around our house as there are a lot of flowers that come back each year.


25 March, 2009

Sign of the times....

Since we moved in to our house in July 2007, part of the directions that I give are "across from Crazy Jay's Auto." No more.

Crazy Jay's pulled all the cars from their lot last November. I didn't think much of it; perhaps they were just moving things around prepping for a bad winter. Over the last few weeks, our neighbors have shut their doors -- taking the signs down, cleaning the yard & garage and I'm sure taking care of the paperwork.

It's always sad when the little guy gets screwed......


24 March, 2009

How to entertain yourself and a cat for $6.99?

Buy a laser pointer!
Steph bought a laser pointer for her cat at Pet Smart today. Course, she has been having fun playing with Hunter while
she has been of course we had to try out the laser pointer on Hunter. That crazy cat had us laughing so hard!
He kept trying to catch the red dot, chasing after it, pouncing on it, head bobbing as he watched it, jumping for it and running
in circles. It's hilarious!!!


18 March, 2009

Last Thursday afternoon, Wil took off to Pennsylvania for the weekend -- much to the shock & disbelief of his family. He arrived about 2am at his parents house and called them to say hello. Of course, mom wants to know what's wrong....then wonders who is ringing the door bell at that hour. She was pleasantly surprised to see her son standing there!

Wil was able to spend quality time with his parents and nieces & nephews. And...we have a few visitors for two weeks! Our oldest niece, Stephanie, and her boyfriend, Ricky, came to stay with us for two weeks. It's great to have them visit and see NH. :^)

Steph LOVES animals -- so she has been having fun playing with our zoo. Hunter just adores Steph -- they have been playing together. Not often that an animal tires before the human...but he's a fat cat! Casey is getting more attention too and is enjoying it. The baby....well -- she's been very standoffish....not sure why -- she used to be Steph's cat. Weird...

Wil, Steph, Ricky and I will be able to do something together on Monday & Tuesday next week before they go home next weekend. But it's great to have them visit :^)


19 March, 2009

Wil and I joined Gold's Gym in Manchester last week. My friend Christine started going to that gym again -- she & I have decided to be gym-buddies. We both need to get into better shape & want to fit into our clothes better. Last week, we signed up and then were on the treadmill for 30 min. A nice way to start out -- simple and easy.

Chris and I went three times this week. Sunday we spent over an hour on the treadmill -- they have TVs in the machines we were using, so we watched House. My gravy!! My legs felt like jello afterwards!! But it was a good brisk walk for 3.25 miles. Monday we pedaled away for 30 min (another 3.25 miles) and worked our arms out. Tuesday was more treadmill torture and then worked out our legs on some machines.

Tuesday night my shoulders and arms were burning!! Last legs were stiff & burning!! Guess that just shows how out of shape I really am.

I am more motivated to go with Chris because we can keep each other going -- encouragement goes along way. And when I start to see the results of my hard work, it will motivate me even more to keep going. I KNOW I can do this!! :^)

12 March, 2009

I am utterly and completely addicted to Christian Kane. I can't help it!! Since getting my hands on one of his CDs -- incidently the ONLY one I can put my hands on and I have looked -- I have been listening to it non-stop. In the car, at work, on my MP3 player....everywhere! I have been scouring the net to find his first CD; but alas, no such luck. I have found mention of it, but can't find a place to purchase it. I may just bite the bullet and send email via his website.

I lost a few hours last week watching various videos on You Tube of Christian's performances. He is really an incredible singer -- a little country, a little
rock-n-roll but a lot of soul. It's beautiful! He writes a lot of his own lyrics and I am really looking forward to his new CD coming out as there is a beautiful
song he wrote called Let's Take a Drive -- I stumbled upon that on You Tube recently. I was in tears near the end of the song! Not something I do easily....

It is not often that I find a person that can act and sing flawlessly; but CK can When I listen to him, there is so much emotion and truth that I feel like he is telling me a lot about himself and really opening up. When I watch his performances, I am in amazement of his talent..... From what I've read (in interviews mostly), he has a strong movie and action background. He shows his kick-butt style in Leverage on TNT and as young Hub in Secondhand Lions (where he got the scar on his upper lip). The softer side of him comes from his upbringing; strong family values, determination and a can-do attitude.

7 March, 2009

Our cats amaze me.

Hunter and Tessa LOVE to play in boxes. We got a delivery today -- so after I unpacked the box, on the floor it went. Tessa has been in heat for a few days -- but Hunter wasn't interested in her at the moment -- so she was rubbing all over the box and climbing in it. After Wil and I had lunch, Hunter climbed in the box (that is on the small side) and had this look on his face like "What? This is my box." I couldn't help but laugh.

Hunter tends to be the dominate one -- he has to be: he's the male with two female cats!

Casey stays to herself -- whether sleeping in an office chair, on top of Wil's desk or curled up in a cupboard. Hunter will chase her around and pin her in the cupboard from time to time; but she'll fight back.

Tessa runs the house -- she's the baby (or at least she looks like one, she's four years old) and gets away with almost anything.

Hunter and Tessa play and cuddle together and with us. Usually they try to take over our bed at night....I had to fight Hunter for the covers this morning. You try moving a stubborn 20 pound cat at 830am -- not an easy feat when you're half asleep!!


6 March, 2009

I have been working for the NHHEAF Network for the past seven years. When I started there, I processed returned borrower mail -- but through a lot of hard work and determination, I was promoted to a Customer Service Representative then Senior CSR; as well as transitioning into full-time positions within the Help Desk Operations team. I have been truly blessed in my seven years here -- a lot of great opportunities, wonderful friends, good benefits and they helped me pay for college!

Now I must ask for your help, please please please. President Obama has released his budget plans, which includes a proposal to eliminate the Federal Family Education Loan Program (FFELP). NHHEAF is a lender, guarantor and servicer of FFELP loans. Higher education is clearly a priority for Obama's administration. NHHEAF understands President Obama's intentions in supporting increased funding for the neediest students to attend college; they wholeheartedly share this goal. The organization has been supporting the college goals of students and parents for over 46 years. However, they believe that all things considered New Hampshire is far better served by our local FFELP agency than a big government contractor through Direct Lending.

If you believe that New Hampshire students and parents benefit from having a local, nonprofit agency supporting the student loan program and providing free college outreach programming, I encourage you to contact your congressional representatives and senators letting them know you feel the FFELP program is important.

Please visit NHHEAF for more information: They have posted links and form letters to print and send to our government.

Please help. Not only would you be saving my job; but the jobs of 150 other hard working and wonderful people. A lot of us have put in many many years of service to NHHEAF -- we believe in the mission of company: help students and parents attain the goals of higher education.

Thank you for your support.


4 March, 2009

Today is my seven year anniversary at NHHEAF.

Seven years ago.... I was working in Borrower & Loan Services (BLS) processing returned mail -- often times repetative and boring, but I needed a job at that point. My supervisors saw my potential and promoted me to a Customer Service Representative (CSR). I spent a few years as a CSR -- even promoted to a Senior CSR, training other CSRs, watching the phone queues, outbound caller queues and working on various reports.

In March 04, I was extremely fortunate to be able to join the nightime Help Desk operations team (Ops). I split my time between Ops & BLS -- but it was definitely a step in the right direction to where I wanted to be: computers. Working nights, I was often teased about being the company vampire -- not that it mattered to me, I'm not a morning person.

In the spring of 2006, I was even more fortunate to be able to join Ops on a full-time basis and I left BLS. Since then, I have worked days and nights, weekdays and weekends. Anything to show my dedication to learn, grow and succeed in my career. Currently, I am a Computer Operator on IBM AS400 systems.

NHHEAF has been VERY good to me over the years. Great benefits -- including helping me pay for college -- fabulous career opportunities. Good friends. Great flexibility.

The Greatful Dead said it best -- What a long strange trip it's been.....


1 March, 2009

As you can see, I've been surfing the web for different backgrounds and graphics to use around my website. I'm not a great artist -- can't draw without graph paper or a ruler. Plus I don't have one of those tablet writing mice (you would think I would). Anyways.... I was searching on a favorite backgrounds & graphics website and found the picture above.... I just thought it was so pretty that I should share. :^)


28 February, 2009

The Idiot Box
Ok, so I probably watch WAAAAAAAAY more television than any other person..... Whatever. It's a way to relax, escape, background noise, entertain, educate or enlighten. Sitcoms, dramas, cartoons, movies (made-for-TV or regular), some reality shows, infomercials or on-demand -- whatever happens to float my boat at the moment. Usually fall asleep with the TV on -- which I've been doing for years -- and I'm sure annoys my husband (he likes the quiet).
My new favorite show is on TNT - Leverage. It was on for about three months and will be coming back this summer -- starring Timothy Hutton, Gina Bellman, Christian Kane, Aldis Hodge and Beth Riesgraf. A crew of high-tech crooks attempt to steal from wealthy criminals and corrupt businessmen.
It's FABULOUS!! The writing is superb -- definitely action packed, great one-liners, interesting plots and characters, great guest stars. The show has found a niche and not like anything else out there.

"Sometimes bad guys make the best good guys."

A modern day twist on Robin Hood -- helping the less fortunate by taking down or hurting corporate evil and greed. At the same time, we see more of each characters internal demons. Nate is an alcoholic, Sophie is a grifter, Eliot is a thug, Parker is a thief and Hardison is a hacker.

I originally got into the show because I have enjoyed Timothy Hutton's work and the teaser's on TV made it look interesting. After the first episode I was hooked. Lately, I have been doing more research on the various actors on the show -- where did they come from? What have they done before? I was surfing Facebook the other night (shocker) and found that Christian Kane is a musician. Holy Schnikees!! Well....I dug further (after I added myself as a fan to his FB page). He is a fabulous singer! I was able to download his CD from his website -- -- and I'm just amazed. Haven't quite figured out which came first -- the acting, singing or writing (he does write his own songs) but he is quite multi-talented and VERY quickly becoming a new obsession.

If you click on the "LC on MySpace" button on the navigation bar on my website, you can listen to a few of Christian's songs. He wrote "More than I Deserve."

26 February, 2009

Dear Dogs and Cats:

The dishes with the paw prints are yours and contain your food. The other dishes are mine and contain my food. Placing a paw print in the middle of my plate and food, does not stake a claim for it becoming your food and dish; nor do I find that aesthetically pleasing in the slightest.

The stairway was not designed by NASCAR and is not a racetrack. Racing me to the bottom is not the object. Tripping me doesn't help because I fall faster than you can run.

I cannot buy anything bigger than a king sized bed. I am very sorry about this. Do not think I will continue sleeping on the couch to ensure your comfort, however. Dogs and cats can actually curl up in a ball when they sleep. It Is not necessary to sleep perpendicular to each other, stretched out to the fullest extent possible. I also know that sticking tails straight out and having tongues hanging out on the other end to maximize space is nothing but sarcasm.

For the last time -- there is no secret exit from the bathroom! If, by some miracle, I beat you there and manage to get the door shut, it is not necessary to claw, whine, meow, try to turn the knob or get your paw under the edge in an attempt to open the door. I must exit through the same door I entered. Also, I have been using the bathroom for years - canine/feline attendance is not required.

The proper order for kissing is: Kiss me first, then go smell the other dog or cat's butt. I cannot stress this enough.

Finally, in fairness, dear pets, I have posted the following message on the front door:


  1. They live here. You don't.
  2. If you don't want their hair on your clothes, stay off the furniture. That's why they call it 'fur'-niture.
  3. I like my pets a lot better than I like most people.
  4. To you, they are animals. To me, they are adopted sons or daughters who are short, hairy, walk on all fours and don't speak clearly.

Remember, dogs and cats are better than kids because they:

  1. eat less
  2. don't ask for money all the time
  3. are easier to train
  4. normally come when called
  5. never ask to drive the car
  6. don't hang out with drug-using people
  7. don't smoke or drink
  8. don't want to wear your clothes
  9. don't have to buy the latest fashions
  10. don't need a gazillion dollars for college
  11. if they get pregnant, you can sell their children.


13 February, 2009

Our pets are our children. We care for them, cuddle with them and give treats. Two of our cats, Tessa and Hunter, usually
sleep with us at night. They usually get along wonderfully -- especially when Tessa is in heat -- unless Hunter is being a
brat and is feeling playful. He'll chase after Tessa for no reason or try to trap her somewhere (usually a box).

This is what I woke up to today..... Cute, eh? :^)

13 February, 2009


My new favorite obsession is Facebook. I can spend hours on there -- searching out friends, playing games, sending messages, etc. It's not bad enough that I'm a geek to begin with....but there has to be a limit, right?

The Geek at work

Ok -- no limit. Have you ever spent so much time surfing the web or chatting or working on a site that you lose track of time? I have.
I've looked up from the screen long enough to notice what time it is -- usually some god awful hour of the night. But point was Facebook.

I'm so in love with this site! Just today I've reconnected with my first college roommate, from Plymouth State. We never really had a lot in common, but in the back of your mind you wonder what happened to her. A few weeks back, one of my best friends from high school found me -- it was awesome to see her! Most of my cousins are on Facebook -- which is fabulous beyond words! Grampa always said that familys only get together for weddings and funerals; well this way I can keep tabs on my cousins! Beyond my website (which I'm guessing probably doesn't get as much traffic as I'd hope), FB is a great way to share news and photos. Especially with people that you don't/can't see all the time. ex-roommate (Scott) & I used to "talk" via FB more than we did in person sometimes! Scary....

There are groups that you can join on FB. One of the groups I found is for Bear Hill 4-H Camp! Holy Schnikees! I spent 1-2weeks there every summer from age 8-15 -- loved it! I've been able to reconnect with that part of my past and see what became of my favorite counselors. Wow.....


11 February, 2009


The average temperature since the beginning of the month has been -- 33.45 degrees!! Heatwave!! :^)

Some of the snow has melted from our yard and I can almost see the entire driveway again. Course, we can now see all the spots where the dog did his business.... Oh well.


6 February, 2009

Ode to the Lump

I'm not a poet -- but my lil lump was in my heart. Davis Piggie Campbell 2004-09

Wil woke me up this morning to let me know that Davis had passed away. I didn't check his cage when I got home from work last night; since Davis wasn't climbing on his cage or chewing the bars, I figured he was sleeping. Good sleeper....

I got Davis from PetCo during the World Series of October 04. My brother had left for California the month before and in some small way this was a memory to hang on to (had guinea pigs when I was a kid). In my apartment, Davis's cage was in the living room and I usually left the door open. He would climb on the cage and poke his head out -- as if saying "hello!" The cats usually didn't bother him. When we moved into the house, the cage was in the dining room (warmest room in the house). Tessa turned Davis into her pet, so we stopped leaving the door open.

Davis was a lump -- he liked being in his cage munching on veggies. I have a ball for him -- but he never quite got the point of it and was usually upset when I took him out of his cage.

Miss my lump already....


31 January, 2009

Superbowl XLIII is on Sunday..... Yay.

Pittsburgh Steelers vs Arizona Cardinals

My family was never big into sports -- naturally neither was I. I love baseball -- Red Sox are the best!

Wil is from Pittsburgh -- Steeler Nation -- you won't find any better or more devoted fans in the NFL. There is a house in Monroeville PA that is decorated to the HILT with Steeler's colors and paraphernalia. I've driven by it several times on some of my trips to PA; think I did a double take the first time I saw it. Couldn't believe it!! As loyal as the NE Patriots fans are up here, I don't think that any of them would do as much as this person did. But I'm getting sidetracked.... (Not hard to do!)

So, Sunday is the big game -- Wil is going to be decked out in all his Steeler gear and we're having a SB party. First one that I've ever thrown -- think I've only attended two other SB parties in my life. (See? Not a football fan.) It promises
to be a great time; food, friends, laughter and a great matchup.


30 January, 2009

I love roses. Any color, any size, any time -- doesn't have to be a special occasion.

Probably the best surprise Wil gave me was two valentine's ago -- one dozen red roses delivered to my office. I wasn't in the office that day; but had been to Manchester with some co-workers for an AS400 meeting. Since I was car pooling with
someone, I had swung by the office in the morning & then had to drop him off in the afternoon. I checked vmail on my cell on the way back from Manchester -- "Please stop by the office, you have a package." Odd....

To my surprise, this wonderful sweet man sent me roses. I was in seventh heaven!!
