Thursday, April 16, 2009

23 January, 2009

Ok, so the whole point of having a blog is to keep it updated so that family and friends will return often -- makingsure to keep up with one in their busy life. What can I say...? I'm lazy and my life is somewhat boring. Ok -- not quite that true, but there is a bit of truth to the sentiment.
It's the new year (well, three weeks into it) -- everyone talks about resolutions: get out of debt, find a new job, finish school, lose weight, etc.... Blah, blah, blah, blah. I used to make resolutions, but like many others, by mid-March (or earlier) I was off on another track and completely forgot what I was resolving to do. Or I just got too lazy and easilyslid back into my old habit.
Alright, so what does this have to do with my blog? Well, I resolve to write more often and write more like I talk/think. Life is a story to be told -- since you can't experience it with me, then I supposed you'll just have to hear it the way itis, the way it was and the way it shall be. Now, if I could figure out how to slow my brain down to the speed with which I type or speed up my that would be ideal!!
I have a great imagination. As a teen, when I couldn't fall asleep at night (which was every night of the week), I listenedto the radio and talked to myself. By talking out loud, I would be able to tire myself out and eventually fall asleep around 1am. (Course then I was a grump 5 hours later when mom wanted me to get up for school....) My favorite thing to do was to pretend thatI was much older and then retell my life -- different parts, not neccessarily in order and usually starting with getting the hellout of high school. It was as if I was in my twilight years and dictating my life to a writer for my biography. The "real" story straight from the horses mouth.

So.....a new look, some fun random cartoons & a new outlook on life :^) Enjoy the journey.


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